There are ways where you can keep your printers secure from counterfeit or out of warranty
Magicard dye-films.
- First, on legitimate Magicard dye-film in the USA,
you will see the serial number is 11 digits long and always starts with
a C. We are noticing that many illicit films are coming onto the market
with stickers that include a 7-digit serial number.
- Many of the boxes, and sometimes even the dye-film
inside are arriving damaged. ID Enhancements, Inc. will never sell
you anything less than a perfect product.
- Further, there have been various reports that
counterfeit dye-films can produce a ‘gutter’ on each card print, so if
you’re finding a severe decrease in the quality of prints coming from
your Magicard printer, make sure you contact us immediately.
- It is important to note that secondhand film, or film
which is not sold by Magicard or an official dealer, is not covered by
our market-leading warranty, so buyers must be aware of the source of
their film.