Sub Categories
KANTECH | KT-8DE4-WPA Unified Access Control Power System, 8-Door Unified, Prewired (Panduit)
$2,324.61Ships direct from the manufacturer on their schedule. -
$1,181.64Ships direct from the manufacturer on their schedule.
$1,421.83Ships direct from the manufacturer on their schedule.
KANTECH | KT-16DE6-WTA ProWire Power System with 16-Relay Lock Outputs and 16-Auxiliary Outputs, 400W Dual Voltage, 120VAC
$2,899.81Ships direct from the manufacturer on their schedule. -
$1,912.11Ships direct from the manufacturer on their schedule.
$1,306.25Ships direct from the manufacturer on their schedule.
$1,221.88Ships direct from the manufacturer on their schedule.
$1,095.70Ships direct from the manufacturer on their schedule.